"The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water." - Sigmund Freud

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Threshold and Lasting Change

What does is take to make real and lasting change happen? 
The bottom line is,
Change is relatively easy as long as your at Threshold.
Threshold is the point in your life when you can look at your situation and say congruently with your whole being:
  1. Something has to change
  2. It has to be me
  3. It has to be now
When you are able to say this and mean it, you are ready for change.  
And a good therapist or hypnotist can give you a little nudge and change will happen very easily.   
Threshold is a position of power.  
Get to threshold and nothing will be able to hold you back!
-Mike Mandel

Friday, November 8, 2013

An Apostle Speaks on Depression - by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Having a strong faith as a member in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I find the following talk in General Conference especially rewarding as it refers to emotional healing and seeking professional help. 

Like a Broken Vessel
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

55 lbs Lost with Hypnotherapy!!

Carrie Manning lost 55 lbs with hypnotherapy!
Her blog documenting her journey can be found here.


THE HEAVY HOUSEWIFE and the skinny on getting skinny

Amber Winward has a blog where she shares some of her experiences with hypnotherapy.
You can find it here on this link.